Rod & Gun Members have been enjoying the beautiful waters as they hunker down during the Covid-19 pandemic. Rob Gothier and Jeffery Bey caught this 6ft+ over 200lb swordfish during this rough time for our world. The Gothiers put a large cooler outside their front door and had a stream of friends and neighbors showing up for fresh Swordfish! Over 14 families enjoyed this fresh catch! This is the very essence of what this sport is about -now more than ever!
Keep sharing your sporting pictures by texting Wendy at 203 253-7790. And each one you send is also posted to our GALLERY.
Bar South Swordfish picture – Gareth Haddam, Eddie Ferrer, Rob Gothier, Jeffery Bey
2020 – Bar South – Gareth Haddam, Eddie Ferrer, Rob Gothier, Jeffery Bey – 200+lb swordfish.
Mattie Johnson and his son Riley enjoyed a catching a nice 18 lb Mutton Snapper on the patches right in front of the Reef. And Riley Johnson with a beautiful Parrot fish, released.
2020 – Mattie Johnson and his son Riley enjoyed a catching a huge 18 lb Mutton Snapper on the patches right in front of the Reef. 2020 – Riley Johnson with a beautiful Parrot fish, released
And see Mattie and Art Berry with a 75lb swordfish which they released.
2020 – Mattie and Art Berry with a 75lb swordfish they released.